The Kumato is a mid to late-season variety. These fruits fully ripen around late October. As we mentioned earlier, these tomatoes are edible during all stages of growth. However, their flavor can vary depending on the stage of ripeness.
Kumato® tomatoes are a small to medium-sized varietal, averaging 80 to 120 grams in weight, and have a round, oblate, to slightly flattened shape. The tomatoes are capped with long, slender, and tapered dark green leaves, and the skin is smooth, semi-thick, and taut. The surface also has a faint sheen and ripens from the inside out, their color changing naturally. The variety transitions through three main color stages, beginning with green, brown, and finally red-brown, and Kumato® tomatoes are edible in all stages. Underneath the surface, the dark red flesh is aqueous, firm, and fleshy, with a crisp, tender, and succulent texture. The tomatoes also encase chambers filled with small yellow seeds suspended in a gelatinous, somewhat translucent liquid. Kumato® tomatoes are aromatic when ripe and are edible raw. The variety is known for its high sugar content, creating a balanced sweet, sharp, and complex savory flavor.
The plant size ranges from 4-6 feet tall. Spacing between plants should be 20 inches. These tomatoes grow best in cages anchored with heavy stakes. You can plant your bushes in the greenhouse by mid-May and transfer them to an open area by the end of the month. By this time, they should be acclimated to the temperature.
‘Kumato’ variety: profileOther names‘Rosso Bruno’FruitSalad tomato; brown-green to red-brown, glossyFlavourIntense, aromatic, tangy-sweetRipening timeEarly-midGrowthIndeterminate, up to 2m in heightLocationGreenhouse, outdoors
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SKU: 091006
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